Phone: 9588515151
Address: Mumbai
I Chirag Katira as a director of SNGT Group, strongly believe that any responsible business needs to have a mechanism in place to monitor and ensure compliance with the law, ethical standards, environmental protection, and social welfare. Whatever we do as a business, our activities will always have some impact on different aspects of society, and it is our moral obligation to take responsibility for that impact. We profit from society and would be failing in our duty if we did not give something back. 
As the head of my organization, I believe that ethics and business go together. If we go beyond the usually accepted prudence 

norms, we can take a number of steps that can make society a better place to live. The history of this country is full of examples of big businesses coming forward to assist society in times of need. The trade and commerce going all out to surpass its commercial targets and yet keeping a humane face is what differentiates our country from the rest of the world. 

At SNGT, we are always working to combat poverty, hunger, unemployment, illiteracy, disease, and environmental degradation. 

The management of SNGT has always focused on integrating these principles into business processes. In this pursuit, we have reached out to even the remotest parts of the country where the presence of a business house not only helps people with its commercial services but also lends a lifeline to society as a whole.

I look at the future and find SNGT steadfast in its vision to create value for all its stakeholders and to do its best in building a better society.


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